Personal Computers...

The launchers of the world-wide spreading of C.A.L.L

Technological equipment

is something interesting for young people and children

Colorful pictures and media

allow students to focus in the activities and improve their motivation

Technology connects students to the whole world..

It doesn't matter where they are!

ICT includes

broadcast media, audio, video and more.. Design by Evaliz

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

ESL program

  • What is an ESL Program?
    • English as a Second Language (ESL), also called English as a Foreign Language (EFL), is an English language study program for nonnative speakers. Most ESL programs have small classes so that students receive individual attention from their teachers. Students study English and also participate in the cultural and social activities of the school and community where they study. The goal of an ESL program is to improve the students' level of English. ESL classes teach different language skills, depending on students' English abilities, interests, and needs. All programs teach the following: conversational English, grammar, reading, listening comprehension, writing, and vocabulary. Many people go to ESL schools to prepare for study at a College or University. In this case, students can choose an intensive program that teaches academic English. Other students study at ESL schools to improve their English for travel or social purposes. They can study in General English classes to practice conversational English and learn the skills necessary for communicating in many different situations. Business English courses are also available for students who want to learn the specific vocabulary and communication skills necessary for doing business in English.

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011



The word podcast refers to a digital media file which in most cases is downloaded through web syndication; these files were called as audio and video shows and they usually were downloaded on people’s ipods. Therefore, the word podcast came from a mixture of the word ipod using just “pod” and “cast” from broadcast.
In educational field, specifically EFL/ESL, the usage of podcast has been considered an important strategy for students; even though there are some drawbacks such as special classrooms demand, slow and limited Internet access and difficulty of technology. However, we consider that podcasting in language classes has lots of significant advantages to take into account. For example, it promotes the team work in small groups and also in the whole classrooms when they can work together and share their posts. Another important benefit is that students can notice the language in use by listening other groups’ podcasts and their own ones. Also the motivation is improved during a class using podcasts due to the active and free way to give their opinions and the opportunities to get an immediate feedback from the teacher and other students.
In summary, a podcast can improve English classes as foreign and second language due to the freedom in the activities to share the posts, the work in group, and the change to get fast feedbacks.

Example of a podcast:


Starak, Y. (2005) What is a Podcast and How Can I Use One? [Online article]. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from the World Wide Web:

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011


In the field of education there have always been different kinds of teaching English techniques as a foreign language, but nowadays technology has taken over of teaching process. Teachers need to be updated with children, teenagers and adults are relate more today, and it is the technology. There are some important methods to teach English, but the most important ones are Computer-assisted language learning and information and communication technology.

CALL (Computer-assisted Language Learning). García A. (2011) defined CALL as the search for study of application of computers in language teaching and learning, however it can also be explained easily as a languagividual practice on certain language points.e instruction which is aided though the usage of computers providing more ind
It became popular since the 1960s and 1970s and the fact that made possible to spread it worldwide was the arrival of the Personal Computers (PC) on the 70s.

CALL is also defined by Levy (1997: p. 1) as "the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning". CALL embraces a wide range of ICT applications and approaches to teaching and learning foreign languages, from the "traditional" drill-and-practice programs that characterized CALL in the 1960s and 1970s to more recent manifestations of CALL, e.g. as used in a virtual learning environment and Web-based distance learning. It also extends to the use of corpora and concordancers, interactive whiteboards, Computer-mediated communication (CMC), language learning in virtual worlds and Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL)”.

The current philosophy of CALL puts a strong emphasis on student-centered materials that allow learners to work on their own. Such materials may be structured or unstructured, but they normally embody two important features: interactive learning and individualized learning. CALL is essentially a tool that helps teachers to facilitate the language learning process. It can be used to reinforce what has been already been learned in the classroom or as a remedial tool to help learners who require additional support.

The design of CALL materials generally takes into consideration principles of language pedagogy and methodology, which may be derived from different learning theories (e.g. behaviorist, cognitive, constructivist) and second language learning theories such as Stephen Krashen's monitor hypothesis.

Although some people think that the usage of computers in education interferes in the students oral production, including fluency, we consider there are several advantages of using CALL in the educational context. One important advantage of CALL is that the use of personal computers connected to the Internet allows students to learn from different teachers of the target language, for example, they can watch videos of classes from a native American teacher or from a local linguist. Another advantage is that technology and information are being improved everyday different form textbooks, therefore it is easy to have contact with the target language in use nowadays by natives. In addition a great benefit of using CALL in English as a Foreign Language and English as a Second Language is that it avoid the frustration in students when we have to repeat several times something they did not get it; they just have to repeat the video, recording or activity; this advantage helps their self-steem and increases their motivation.

In conclusion, Computer-assisted language learning and information is a method that every teacher have to use to get a better learning in their students through world-wide material and multimedia activities that catch their attention.

García, A. (2011). Computers and Language Teaching. Computer-assisted Language Learning. Retrieved October 24th from the World Wide Web:

Graham, D. (n.d) Computer-assisted Language Learning. Retrieved October 24th from the World Wide Web:

Howe, D. (2010). Information and Communication Technology. Retrieved October 24th from the World Wide Web:

Kelly, J. (2000). What the web is doing for schools. . Retrieved October 24th from the World Wide Web:

Lamy M.-N. & Hampel R. (2007) Online communication in language learning and teaching, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

Levy, M. (1997) CALL: context and conceptualisation, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Schmid, E. (2009) Interactive whiteboard technology in the language classroom: exploring new pedagogical opportunities, Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.

Shield L. & Kukulska-Hulme A. (eds.) (2008) Special edition of ReCALL (20, 3) on Mobile Assisted Language Learning.


Information and communications technology or information and communication technology, usually abbreviated as ICT which enables users to create, access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. In other words, ICT consists of IT as well as telecommunication, broadcast media, all types of audio and video processing and transmission and network based control and monitoring functions. Although exists the obligation of having at least a computer with internet connection which would be an obstruction instead of a tool, ICT is a developing material into the student society which is completely important to their lives, for the reason that we live in a technological age. If students are able to use ICT in a good way this tool can help them to solve many problems at the time to work, specifically inside the classroom and is important that students have the chance to know these aptitudes because they will profit from them in the classroom. ICT is a wonderful instrument to teach and the interest of the student for learning will increase immediately; besides, the main aim will be to solve troubles quickly and effectively. ICT can bring to general access to education, equity in education, service of quality learning and teaching, teachers’ professional development and more efficient education
The expression was first used in 1997 in a report by Dennis Stevenson to the UK government and promoted by the new National Curriculum documents for the UK in 2000.